Ahoj, ikdyž mám poměrně dobrou angličtinu, tak nedokážu tento text přeložit nějak, aby dával dostatečně smysl, dokázal by mi to někdo přeložit? Děkuji.
I could just, I could feel people’s energy and I also, didn’t really care either. Like, I could give two shits if someone liked me or not, and that’s where things went bad, because I got so involved in me, me, me. You just can’t help but feel judged sometimes, like man I don’t wanna do this anymore, once it starts, it doesn’t stop for me. Just because, I mean, I felt like I lost my purpose for a while and now I feel like I’ve found my purpose and I just wanna bring that hope to people and that light to say: “Hey, you might have lost your purpose, or maybe you’re searching for your purpose" but purpose is so important, and I just want people to see that there is hope and there is a light at the end of the tunnel and the best is yet to come ahead of you and not to dwell in the spot that you’re in and know that hey, if Justin did it, then I can do it.