Přidat otázku mezi oblíbenéZasílat nové odpovědi e-mailem Sim karta USA

My recommendation
Traveltomtom recommends a T-Mobile sim card for the USA if buying a prepaid sim card on arrival in the USA. T-Mobile has a very extensive 5G network all over the USA and for $50 USD you get unlimited data for 30 days, it is cheaper than AT&T and Verizon.

However, my recommendation is to order a sim card for traveling in the USA on the internet, not on arrival in the USA. The best USA sim card deals for tourists in 2024 can be found online. Why? It is simply easier and cheaper!

Unfortunately buying a prepaid sim card at any international airport in the USA is pretty much a disaster. Some airports don't even have sim card shops like at JFK Airport in New York or you can only find extremely overpriced sim card in a vending machine. Or what about a $82 USD sim card with 15 GB data at LAX?

Odpoved mas, vyber si operatora a vygoogli si, kde si mozes kupit jeho simku.
Napriklad https://www.t-mobile.com/cell-phone/t-mobile-sim-card

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