Hledám angličtináře na kontrolu úkolu
Dobrý den,
Nebyl by tu nějaký slušný angličtinář, který by se mi mohl podívat na mou malou story do školy? Nejsem příliš skvělý v gramatice, tak bych chtěl zjistit jestli mám vše v pořádku. Není to nějak dlouhé, takže otázka opravdu chviličky.
Změna předmětu, původně: Baxus (karel)
Pošlu když tak do zprávy kdyby někdo byl hodný a pomohl.
A proc to nedas rovnou sem? Tu pak muzem dat hlavy dohromady a kazdej ti opravi neco
To je ono, díky.
One day my friend Curtis flew by helicopter around the islands because He had one job which he before had got from employer. When was strong thunderstorm and a strong wind was blowing so Curtis listened to the radio. In the end He fell down on one of the islands but He fortunately survived. But he was alone on an island about he didn't know nothing. So He wrote SOS on the sand and And he went to look on area around the island. He had been walking through the jungle for an hour when he found an abandoned cottage. He was quite scared because he did not know what could be inside. For example, so there could be some cannibals or surrounding venomous insects. Finally he went inside and everything in the cottage was destroyed. In the middle of the room was the basement. He was very curious and He looked inside. He did not know that was waiting for him treasure. Because it was money so he took them and went back to the beach where the crashed. Because it was a survival so He needed food, so he went to get some food. His first idea was coconut. So he climbed a tree in order to obtain some coconut. Unfortunately, He was not a good climber, so he fell down and broke his arm. Fortunately after three hours, he was saved by a small boat. It was a fisherman who sailed around. After long way he arrived to home, He soon discovered that He somewhere lost the treasure. After a month, his mom heard in the radio that the poor fishermen became rich because he found a lots of money. When Curtis asked own brother what was new in the news so Curtis found out, that his brother hadn’t heard the news and Curtis didn’t believe his mum until He saw the news that evening. He was very upset and that day wanted to see at least football. When He switched the TV on, the match had already started.
Pro začátek tam narvi interpunkci.
One day my friend Curtis flew by helicopter around the islands because, he had one job which, he before had got from employer. When was strong thunderstorm and a strong wind was blowing so, Curtis listened to the radio. In the end He fell down on one of the islands but, he fortunately survived. But he was alone on an island about, he didn't know nothing. So he wrote SOS on the sand and, he went to look on area around the island. He had been walking through the jungle for an hour when he found an abandoned cottage. He was quite scared because, he did not know what could be inside. For example, so there could be some cannibals or surrounding venomous insects. Finally he went inside and everything in the cottage was destroyed. In the middle of the room was the basement. He was very curious and he looked inside. He did not know that was waiting for him treasure. Because it was money so, he took them and went back to the beach where the crashed. Because it was a survival so, he needed food. He went to get some food. His first idea was coconut. So he climbed a tree in order to obtain some coconut. Unfortunately, he was not a good climber, so he fell down and broke his arm. Fortunately after three hours, he was saved by a small boat. It was a fisherman who sailed around. After long way, he arrived to home, he soon discovered that he somewhere lost the treasure. After a month, his mom heard in the radio that the poor fishermen became rich because, he found a lots of money. When Curtis asked own brother what was new in the news so Curtis found out that his brother hadn’t heard the news and Curtis didn’t believe his mum until he saw the news that evening. He was very upset and that day wanted to see at least football. When he switched the TV on, the match had already started.
No snad jsem jí tam dal nějak dobře.
mno, interpunkce se moc nepodarila.. precetl jsem 1. vetu.. chapu co tim chces rict, ale z anglickeho hlediska to nema hlavu ani patu.. a vzpomnel jsem si na jednu hlasku z Cerveneho trpaslika:
Arnold J. Rimmer: Po intenzivním zkoumání, čárka, značek na mimozemském tělese, čárka, je jisté, čárka, že máme, čárka, co dočinění, čárka, s bytostmi nevídaného intelektu, dvojtečka...
Holly: To je dobře. Protože by ti mohli pomoci s interpunkcí.
zkusim par vet.. ale moje anglictina uz odesla do vecnych lovist, bohuzel..
One day my friend Curtis flew by helicopter around the islands because He had one job which he before had got from employer.
by helicopter se mi nelibi.. which he had before.. ale cela ta druha cast vety nema logiku..
When was strong thunderstorm and a strong wind was blowing so Curtis listened to the radio.
when there was a strong ..., Curtis was listening to radio..
In the end He fell down on one of the islands but He fortunately survived.
nepatri sem "at the end"? nevim :) predlozka BUT je odporovaci predlozka.. ty vety nejsou v zajemnem rozporu.. dal bych tam spis and..
But he was alone on an island about he didn't know nothing. So He wrote SOS on the sand and And he went to look on area around the island.
Nezacinej vetu But, viz vyse, ale napr. accidentally - nanestesti.. did not know anything.. dva zapory v jedne vete.. rekl bych spis IN THE SAND.. area around island je more :) nema to logiku
He had been walking through the jungle for an hour when he found an abandoned cottage. He was quite scared because he did not know what could be inside.
proc predminuly prubehovy cas? nestaci obyc minuly prubehovy? druha veta se zda skvela :)
For example, so there could be some cannibals or surrounding venomous insects. Finally he went inside and everything in the cottage was destroyed. In the middle of the room was the basement.
For example pryc, fuj.. There could be.. surrounding.. nevim.. divne :) Finally, carka,.. There was a basement in the middle..
je to dost zmatlaný, není to na chvilku. Není to jen o odchytání pár drobných chybiček, fakt ne. Pokud se takhle vyjadřuješ normálně, tak ti navíc nikdo neuvěří, když odevzdáš text opravený. já se s tím patlat nebudu, dám ti tady deset chyb a dost, vyberu ty, který děláš víckrát
nedal, máš hafo nesmyslných čárek navíc mezi větama. třeba za každým because!
chybějící identifikátory: his employer, his own brother, atd, atd,
fell down nahradit crashlanded
look on area around the island vypustit on area
In the middle of the room was the basement znamená něco jako" a vynacházel se ten suterén uprostřed místnosti" nahradit třeba za there was a door to the cellar
.. the islands nedává smysl - má to navazovat na nějaký předchozí text?
he had one job which, he before had got from employer - co jsi tím chtěl říct, to je snad normálka, že zaměstnavatel dává zaměstnání, co jsi tím chtěl říct? Zkrátka úvodní věta moc jako úvodní věta neslouží. měla by vysvětlovat něco, co máme do začátku vědět
he before had got - vypustit before, od toho maj ten past perfect, kterej se asi učíte. takže ne where the crashed. ale where he had crashed.
When was strong thunderstorm and a strong wind was blowing so, taky totálně blbě. zkus třeba There was a heavy thunderstorm and the wind was very strong. Chápu souvislost počasí s havárií, ale ne s poslechem rádia, rádio třeba vynech, nebo vysvětli - poslouchal weather report? nebo havaroval protože se soustředil na rádio?
island about, he didn't know nothing. nahradit za island, he knew nothing.
the poor fishermen became rich because, he found a lots of money. nahradit za the poor fishermen became rich because they found a lot of money. nebo za the poor fisherman became rich because he found lots of money.
that day wanted to see nahradit za that day he wanted to see
v zásadě největší chyba je vytrvale český slovosled. v podstatě čechovi to bude srozumitelné, pokud si to přeloží do češtiny a pak zpátky do angličtiny.
that was waiting for him treasure. nahradit za that a treasure was waiting for him.
money je it ne they
po arrive není to
AHA, teď jsem pochopila, že to má být ale byl na ostrově, O KTERÉM nic nevěděl. Takže However, he was alone on an island he knew nothing about.
Tak ono je to celé takové zmatené, třeba "asked own brother what was new in the news".
sorry, pl, ale máš to tak půl napůl
in the end je dobře, at the end znamená něco jinýho
accidentally neznamená naneštěstí ve smyslu unfortunately, ale ve smyslu náhodou, například i nešťastnou náhodou
"padl dolů" na ostrov, ale naštěstí to přežil - rozpor chápu, ale he fortunately patří v obráceném pořadí a líp je luckily, takže but, luckily, he survived.
He had been walking through the jungle for an hour when he found an abandoned cottage je jedna z mála ukázkově dobrých vět. to se právě zřejmě učili, ten past perfect. od toho angličtina má past perfect. Tak mu tu větu neber. v okamžiku nálezů té chaty, které bych tedy dle popisu říkala spíš hut, měl za sebou cca hodinu chůze. do minulého průběhového můžeš napojit nález chaty, ale ne tu hodinu chůze před ním.
nj, psal jsem na zacatku, ze moji anglictinu je potreba brat s rezervou :)
5 let se zivim nemecky a anglicky uz umim ciste pasivne, vicemene diky serialum.. a to jsem pred par lety maturoval.. nj.. :) takze cele je to spise citove, nez zazitymi pravidly..
s tim past perfect je to pravda, pokud bloudil a bloudil hodiny predtim, tak asi j.. ja jsem to pochopil tak, ze proste bloudil a v tom okamziku ji nasel :)
ostatni chybky beru, to jsou vsecko nuance, ktere bych v pripade nejvyssi nutnosti dohledal.. az na to accidentally, to jsem nevedel :)
to nic, já sleduju Dr. House a Soudkyni Barbaru, takže kdo chcete poradit z těhle oblastí? :)
jinak, nejde o to jak dlouho chodil, ale jestli to říká: chodím 5 minut je taky perfektum - I have been walking 5 min.
tady bych se klidně hádal.. :) pokud nejsou dva děje, tak nemá logiku dávat tam předminulý..
s radostí se s tebou budu hádat, ale dost dobře nevím o čem? snad to najdeš nějaký téma k hádce někde níže:
pokud chceš říct, že jsi x dní bloudil po ostrově, tak samozřejmě řekneš past simple ale kdybys řekl, že "he walked in the jungle when he found the hut", tak by to zkrátka znamenalo, že po nálezu chaty (when he found the hut) si udělal procházku (he walked in the jungle, bez ohledu na to, jestli tam ten čas udáš)). Stejně jako I said Hi when I saw him. i killed him when I found him with my wife, atd takže obrácený pořadí těch dvou akcí než jsi chtěl říct.
ale jak bys teda ty řekl už to 5 minut bloudím nebo půl roku bydlím jinak než v present simple? těch 5 minut nebo 20 let se počítá odteď nazpátek, aby se to odlišilo od situace, kdy chceš říct, že sis to tady pronajal na půl roku celkem. tudíž věty typu I know him for 10 years, I am married for 2 weeks jsou prostě blbě a zní to srandovně, protože to vzbuzuje představu, že se bavíme o plánu do budoucna (pro budoucnost běžně používáme present continuous nebo present simple)
u past/future perfect se třeba ten čas počítá od nějakýho jinýho něčeho v minulosti, resp budoucnosti, o čem mluvíme, ale nemusí to být ani děj (může to být třeba datum) a nemusí to být v souvětí, ale jinde v příběhu. Dám ti dva příklady:
In/By January I had been /will have been working there for 6 weeks. nemůžeš říct, že I was working nebo I worked, protože January má jenom 4 weeks, takže těch 6 týdnů se nemohlo v žádným january odehrát.
I saw (that) the fish in the lake had died nebo I saw (that) somebody had stolen my bike - viděl jsem že tam plavou již chcíplý, logicky musely chcípnout dřív, viděl jsem že kolo je pryč, neviděl jsem však ryby umírat ani zloděje krást (zrovna tohle konkrétní mi někdo vyprávěl, že nepoužil perfektum (had stolen) ale past simple (stole) a způsobil tak nedorozumění, že ostatní vzali na vědomí, že on toho zloděje viděl!)
diky za vysvetleni :)